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Discovering residents' foodscapes – research in the Greater Montpellier area

The impacts of urban foodscapes (food shops, markets, gardens, etc.) on peoples' food styles (consumption, practices and representations) are analysed in this project to enlighten stakeholders on the levers available to take action on food.

What are foodscapes?

They jointly include:

  • Commercial infrastructures (food stores, markets, restaurants, online catering sites)
  • Production areas (farms and market gardens, private or communal vegetable gardens), and
  • Marketing communications (advertising, price information, etc.).

What are food styles?

They jointly include:

  • Consumption (what is bought, eaten, thrown away and wasted)
  • Household food practices (How is shopping organized? Where do people shop for food? How many kilometres are travelled to buy food? What types of transportation are used for shopping? How is food cooked? With whom? Where is it consumed? etc.).
  • People’s representations and opinions regarding food.


Watch the video presenting the results of the Foodscapes project

Click here to see the video

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